Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How It Works

As a participant, you will have the opportunity to earn points every day by following a list of requirements. At the end of every week, you will total your points then record them to the "8 Weeks to a Better You Points Bracket". All the participants will receive access to this online spreadsheet, and we trust will be truthful when recording their points. On you honor people!

Here's how you earn points...

Physically Better Yourself

1. Exercise at least 45 minutes a day!

2. Get AT LEAST 7 hours of sleep a night (if you are short a little just squeeze a nap in to make up for it).

3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day

4. No Sugar-there are different ways to do this. We prefer eliminating sugars and white flours (which turn into sugars) to get the most bang for your buck. But if you would like to just do without sugars than you can make that call.

5. No Soda, Fast Food, or Junk Food There was a lot of debate in our first challenge as to what is junk food and what isn't. This is a gray area and a matter of personal opinion. You will have to decide for yourself. Do we consider hamburgers junk food, even if you make it at home? Yes. Is there a way you could make a healthier and legal burger? YES! Use ground turkey and put it on a whole wheat bun. Do we consider pizza junk food, even if you make it at home? Yes. But, make it with a whole wheat thin crust, lowfat cheese, and lowfat pepperoni alternative like turkey pepperoni, and you've created something pretty healthy. Do we consider hot dogs junk food? Yes. But you can make it legal by putting a turkey dog on a whole wheat bun. The point is that we want you to learn to take something illegal or questionable and make it healthier and challenge worthy. Don't avoid "illegal" foods, but take the time to learn to make them healthier. You'll thank us!!

The best way we could put it is if you have to question whether or not it is legal, then it probably isn't.

One more question to clarify that come up a lot in our first challenge regarding fast food restaurants - it's not that you can't step foot in the place, just order something healthy, like a salad or grilled chicken sandwich on whole wheat bun. We know that will not be an easy point to earn...but you will love yourself and how you feel if you do it.

6. Eat at least 2 servings of fruit and 2 servings of vegetables

7. No eating after 8 p.m.
(unless it's your dinner-but try really hard to get dinner in earlier)

Emotionally/Spiritually Better Yourself

8. Write in your journal EVERY DAY.

9. Complete at least 15 minutes of uplifting reading or scripture study.

10. Complete an act of service or random act of kindness. Whether it be a small one or a big one, do something kind for someone else that is out of your normal routine.

Now we know this is not easy so to help out you get a FREE DAY where you get the full 10 points whether or not you complete all the requirements! You can choose which day of each week is your free day each week, but you cannot choose different days for different points. The only exception to this rule is exercise. Your free day from exercise can be different if you choose. For example - you may choose Saturday as your free day but choose to workout that day and take Sunday off from exercise.

Possibly points earned - 10 per day, 70 per week.

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